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  • Arena Auditorium Seating 03
  • Arena Auditorium Seating 03

Arena Auditorium Seating 03

Product ID: Arena12345
Qty :

product description :

The Arena Auditorium Seating by Nilkamal Edge is designed to provide comfort and durability for large venues. Its foldable seat design ensures space efficiency and ease of maintenance. The ergonomic structure, coupled with high-quality seat and back cushions, offers a comfortable seating experience for extended periods. Additionally, the intelligent cable management system helps maintain a clutter-free environment.
Also available in all black on request
Enhanced Aesthetics
Enhanced Aesthetics
Enhanced Aesthetics
Enhanced Aesthetics

product features

Model Name : 

Arena Auditorium Seating 

Product ID : 


Dimensions : 


Type :
Color : Grey
Seat Material : 

Pan India Presence

customer served

satisfied clients

customized design